Visual Processing Function and Control

Visual motor skills and reading

Vision and eyesight are not the same thing. Eyesight is the ability to see something clearly (Known as Visual Acuity 20/20). Eyesight is tested with Eye Charts by pediatricians, schools and at regular optometrist visits.

Vision, on the other hand, is a skill developed as the child grows. Vision is the brain’s ability to use the images from both eyes to coordinate the images and control eye movements. Because vision is learned after birth and sometimes does not develop properly, it can be stimulated and exercised to correct it. There are several dysfunctions of vision that cause learning disabilities, especially in writing, reading, & math. They are not caught on a normal eyesight checkup, but can be cured. Tests and Exercise pages below.

Fast Tracking Test

Saccades and Disabilities

Smooth Pursuit Test

Smooth Pursuit-What problems can it cause? 

Vision Convergence problemsConvergence/Divergence-Why didn’t anyone know?

Also see additional More Visual Functions that Cause Learning Disabilities.

All of these are important to proper brain function.