Signs of Dyslexia

What are the signs of dyslexia? Driven by a desire to help those who share this query, I’ve dedicated considerable time researching the signs of dyslexia. The signs of dyslexia are quite simple, and can help you figure out if you or your struggling child may have this learning disability. 

What is Dyslexia?

First, we need to understand what dyslexia is exactly. Dyslexia is a learning disability caused by an underdevelopment in the language areas of your brain. This causes people to struggle with reading, speaking, and understanding language in general. While dyslexia primarily has to do with your brain it also has a significant impact on one’s vision. Many individuals with dyslexia also struggle seeing. This challenge may necessitate a need for vision therapy and other forms of intervention. It is important to note that dyslexia does not reflect one’s level of intelligence. Many people with dyslexia possess remarkable intelligence and creativity, they just struggle to convey it in forms of language. Click here to learn more about Dyslexia.

Identifying the Need for Intervention 

How do we know if a person is dyslexic and needs intervention? What are the signs of dyslexia? While symptoms and signs vary depending on the age of the person, the following are common signs for most age groups:

• Difficulty spelling

• A need to sound out words

• Delayed onset of speech

• Struggles to identify sounds 

• Low reading comprehension 

• Reading fatigue

• Reversing word sounds

• Confusing phonetically similar words 

• Struggles with reading

 Individuals with dyslexia often have a hard time reading because the words seem to move around and get jumbled. Not only does this cause them to take a longer time to read but can also leave them mentally exhausted. Because they have a very hard time with reading-based tasks, dyslexics will often go to great lengths to avoid the tasks altogether. And though some dyslexic people do very well with small words, they struggle when it comes to reading long sentences and will often need to sound out the same word multiple times when reading.

Dyslexic people also struggle with speaking. Since the language area of their brains are underdeveloped, they have trouble forming words and will often reverse sounds and confuse words that are similar to one another. As a result, they may experience delayed onset of speech, and/or mix up words often. 

My son showed these signs. He was a very intelligent young man but always struggled in school. Since he was so smart, we had no idea why he had so many problems with school. At first, we thought his challenges might stem from vision issues. We were partially correct, but this wasn’t the complete picture. Despite several vision appointments that yielded some improvement, his academic struggles persisted for many years. 


Eventually, while searching for more ways to help him, I learned about dyslexia. I researched the signs of dyslexia and found that he matched many of them. This discovery set me on a path to learn more about dyslexia and ways to reverse the symptoms. Through the journey I found the Unlock Brilliance Method. This technique uses brain integration exercises to strengthen the language area of the brain and reverse the symptoms of dyslexia. These simple exercises which have proven effective in numerous centers globally, are so straightforward that I was able to do them at home with ease. By dedicating just 15 to 30 minutes each day, I was able to reverse my son’s dyslexic symptoms, and help him become an avid reader. 

The positive impact these exercises had on my family inspired me and the founders of Solve Learning Disabilities to create a website to help others who struggle with these same questions. We created a place where people can learn the signs of dyslexia and how to reverse the symptoms on their own with the Unlock Brilliance Method.