ADHD- Let’s Turn it Around!

ADHD is defined by a list of symptoms that include much more than attention difficulties and hyperactivity. These bright children generally have over or under active sensory processing issues. They are often intolerant to certain foods which is manifested through crazy behavior instead of hives or a sick stomach. They are often impulsive and don’t respect personal space. They have what we call ‘all or nothing’ reaction. This means that they either love or hate people and things based on their immediate interaction with them. The slightest infraction can change their love to anger. For example, they could love the little girl at school yesterday because she gave them a candy and hate her today because she looked at them wrong. There is no Gray-Area Thinking (mentioned further below).  This with the impulsivity problems makes relationships hard at school and in the family setting. Click here for a list of ADHD Symptoms.

Turn ADHD Around

The protocol in the past was to help the child cope with their disorder. Thankfully, they are learning much more about neurological development now. There are specialists now that are reporting wonderful success by exercising their sensory/motor skills and neurological connections to strengthen the weaknesses causing the misfiring of neurons that contributes to ADHD. There are centers popping up all over the U.S. that do these interventions. The good news is that they are easy enough to do right at home. We will go over them below. We tried them with our daughter, Lyla, and really saw a huge improvement. The best part was when they removed Lyla from the ‘special class’ because she started doing so well on her assignments. The teacher even said:

“I don’t know what is going on, but something has switched in Lyla. She is doing better in class, respecting the other kids personal space and having better behavior”

We noticed that she started making more friends and acting more mature. That did it for us. We were hooked and have been trying to share these interventions with as many people as we can, because they work.



 ADHD Interventions

You see, in ADHD kids and adults, there are certain parts of their neurological development that is weaker than the others. When this happens, the parts of the brain don’t connect as well. This causes a more random pattern of information flow. The Unlock Brilliance Method helps pin point these weaknesses and strengthen them. Learn more about it on our Pre-Recorded Webinar about ADHD, sensory issues, impulsivity and more.


Diet is also extremely important. There are certain foods that are know to make ADHD kids even more hyper. They get twitchy and have a hard time with eye contact and attention.  These foods get absorbed into their bloodstream without the proteins being properly broken down. They cause the child to have adrenaline rushes and go into ‘fight or flight’ mode.  There is a fabulous book called Disconnected Kids Nutrition Plan by Dr. Robert Melillo. It details what your child should be eating and why.

ADHD diet is not only about what not to eat. Eating nutritious foods full of Essential Fatty acids and Lecithin is vital to neurological function. The Lecithin helps break down the Essential Fatty Acids for the brain to use in neurological coating, firing and development. Is a matter of fact, the brain is about 30% Lecithin. Of course, there are other important nutrients that the brain requires to function properly, they are all outlined in the nutrition book we mentioned above along with some great kid-friendly recipes.

 To Medicate or Not To?

ADHD treatment without medication is real, and gaining success by many. For more on Adderall alternatives, be sure to read:

and see the published studies on ADHD

The above mentioned interventions helped our Lyla so much. We love to hear your success stories. Email us and let us know how it is going.