Dyslexia Treatment

Dyslexia Treatment

There are many options when it comes to dyslexia treatment. But before choosing a treatment, you need to find out what kind of dyslexia your child has. We have information on dyslexia testing with a free sample dyslexia test to check out.

Once tested, you will have a better idea as to what dyslexia treatment is more appropriate for your child. Is their reading disability centered more around visual processing issues, auditory processing disorders, phonetic and word lexicon issues, or attention deficit issues? Many have a combination of these. Knowing this will affect the decision on dyslexia treatment as well as their IEP plan at school.

Visual Issues

Dyslexia treatment of visual issues is handled best by a Behavioral Optometrist. They are scarce but worth it. My son used one and improved much after 12 weeks. You can find one at the COVD website. Be sure to click the ‘Vision Therapist’ box at the bottom.

Auditory Issues

Auditory Processing deficits can exacerbate reading issues. It inhibits their ability for language processing. A good place to start with auditory issues are with an Audiologist. To learn more about that, see our Auditory and Dyslexia post.

Phonetic Issues

Both attention issues and phonetic weakness can be helped with a newer kind of treatment that stimulates and rewires parts of the brain to function on a higher level. We talk about this in our free 3 Part Video Series on Dyslexia. It is easy enough to do right at home as a dyslexia treatment. Therefore, we added this to my son’s visual treatments, and it worked miracles!

Dyslexia Treatment Centers

There are a lot of dyslexia treatment centers. Most focus on pounding more phonetic and decoding strategies into them. It is slow progress but is effective to some extent over time. Furthermore, many don’t really deal with the underlying issue of the brain needing stimulation to certain parts of the brain.  This is why we love the Brain Balance Centers. Our Dyslexia Course also teaches the brain stim approach.

You got this! Every child is different. But, no one can help a struggling reader more than someone who cares enough to find the right treatment and approaches.