Letter Detail Discrimination

Over 51% of struggling readers have some visual processing challenges which inhibit Letter Detail and Letter Discrimination skills. This is not eyesight. This is how the brain processes the images from the eye and controls the eye muscles to move slowly across the text. Many children struggle with this even when going to regular annual vision checks. These visual processing challenges can make the child struggle to notice the slight differences in letters. This makes reading very hard, especially when fonts get smaller in second and third grade. This is a free printable designed to help those kiddos notice the slight differences in letter shapes. Practice until they can easily see the difference in each set of letters.

Free Letter Discrimination Download

If your child struggles with reading. It is important to get a vision check from an optometrist with a fellowship in vision development. You can find one here. Be sure to check mark the box that says ‘Board Certified in Vision Therapy’ to find one in your area.